Carton Sealers

We offer the latest in automatice packaging equipment. Click on the photos for a larger view of the machines.

case sealer 1Random Manual

  • Machine automatically detects height and width of box
  • Operator still needed to fold flaps and feed boxes into machine
  • Machine detects height and weight with automatic sensors
  • Perfect for solutions where different size boxes are on the same shift and line of product

case sealer 2Random Fully-Automatic

  • Completely automated sealing solution
  • No operator needed
  • Machine will automatically feed, detect height and width, fold flaps, and seal box

case sealer 3Adjustable Manual

  • Least automated solution
  • Manually adjust height and width of machine for each box size
  • Operator must feed and fold flaps of boxes into machine
  • Perfect for application where one size box is sealed for a given sealing shift

case sealer 4Adjustable Fully-Automatic

  • Most automated manual adjusting solution
  • Manually adjust height and width of machine for each box size
  • Automatic flap folding included with machine, no operator needed to fold flaps
  • No operator needed to feed boxes
  • Indexer optional to space boxes in machine
  • Perfect for applications where one size box is used for each shift